New location in Berlin
With our new location, we can offer our customers an even better service for the German market.
Bild von Inspiralia in Berlin
mobility turnaround: 2 new calls
The two calls “Zero Emission Mobility” and “Mobility 2023:” offer companies great help for the mobility transition. Here you will find an overview of both calls for proposals.
Bild von ENIN Förderprogramm
New location in Berlin
With our new location, we can offer our customers an even better service for the German market.
Bild von Inspiralia in Berlin
mobility turnaround: 2 new calls
The two calls “Zero Emission Mobility” and “Mobility 2023:” offer companies great help for the mobility transition. Here you will find an overview of both calls for proposals.
Bild von ENIN Förderprogramm
EU funding

EUREKA Eurostars

With its bottom-up approach, the Eurostars program funds the next stages of development of small transnational consortia and enables innovative SMEs to bring new developments to market.

Bild von EU-Fahne

The average project size is EUR 1.5 million, with grant intensity varying across participating countries.

Basic requirements for application:

Grafik von blauem Stern

An innovative SME in the leading role

Grafik von 2 blauen Personen

A consortium of at least two independent partners from two Eurostars countries

Grafik von blauem Kompass

Project activities of up to 36 months

You qualify if you have the ambition to work with international partners in R&D and innovation to develop new products, processes and services for European and global markets. You do not need a proven track record in R&D activities.

Eurostars includes 37 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom.

Deadline September 12, 2024

Simple &Non-binding

Arrange a free meeting about the Eurostars program

Bild von Förderberatung Inspiralia
“From start-up to unicorn – almost impossible without funding” Javier Calvet

Our expert for your EU-Funding

Javier Calvet-Stoffel

Managing Director
Javier Calvet is a founding member and managing director. He is responsible for the international grants area.
Bild von Inspiralia Besprechungsraum
We offer a global and unique 360-degree service around innovation and financingand thus you get a comprehensive support for your projects.

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