The Growth Opportunities Act aims to provide tax relief to companies, free them from bureaucratic obstacles, and improve conditions for investment and innovation. These measures are necessary to strengthen, adapt, and modernize Germany as a location for the future.
In total, the relief volume of the law amounts to 3.2 billion euros. Companies benefit from:
Originally, the government draft of the Growth Opportunities Act included about 50 individual measures with a relief volume totaling 6.3 billion euros. This draft did not receive a majority in the parliamentary process and was therefore adjusted during the mediation procedure. The relief volume was significantly reduced, and, among other changes, the proposed climate protection investment bonus was scrapped. In this revised version, both the Bundestag and the Bundesrat have now passed the law.
The R&D tax incentive law is significantly expanded to support companies in their research and development activities.
These changes will come into effect from the day after their announcement.